Friday, November 3, 2017

Text Editors on Mac OSX

I used Text Mate and TextWrangler.  Both are excellent.  They are not really free and I do not want to have any license risk by using an unlicensed version for work.

I recently found a new alternative. 

Atom is the one I just started using recently.

It is free.

It is widely used at Facebook.

I was asked to use Nuclide after I installed it.    It has git integration.

It can highlight SQL statements correctly.

I can search all and it highlight the results in the original text. 

So far it satisfies most of my needs.

I stopped using Emacs for several years and my fingers forgot the advanced commands that I used to be very familiar with.  Otherwise, I will probably use XEmacs.

I like vi and used a lot lately after I switched to Mac.  However, I miss the editor that can highlight text in colors and quickly navigate using scrolling instead of text/key stroke based navigation.

Atom is the current choice for me.

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